Intuitive Healing

Intuitive Healing
Photo by Aamir Suhail / Unsplash

In every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.  – Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Biochemist and Nobel Prize Winner

When Covid invaded my friend Jonathan in May of 2020, it quickly turned dire. As an act of desperation, I began leading a group of friends in a daily visualization via Zoom that drew from ideas I’d collected from a lifetime of study. I didn’t have time to think about what I was doing, which is to say, I didn’t have time to doubt or judge it. Instead, I’d wake up each night, and in the space between waking and sleeping, I would compose the next day’s visualization. 

As a group, we would imagine being with Jon in his hospital room. Whatever he was enduring day by day, we'd address with specific imaging, whether it was dissolving a blood clot, sending love energy to a team of surgeons, sopping up liquid in his lungs, reading lists of tasks that needed completed around the house as a way of grounding him to the earth plane, putting our hands on his body so that he would sense loving touch, or breathing with and for him. Together, we projected ourselves into his room, into his body, into the future, and around the world. Each of us read love letters we'd written to him. Mostly, we held steadfast to the idea that he wouldn't just survive, he would fully recover.

During times of stress like this, fear and doubt and worry can chip away at our sense of optimism. Even skepticism or disbelief about all this woo-woo thinking can lead us into fear. So I started to say something that helped combat any negative thinking: You don't have to believe it; you just have to imagine it. Imagination is our greatest tool for transformation. For those of us who like scientific proof, one of my favorite studies shows how significantly our bodies take direction from our minds.

Jonathan did recover, miraculously, and for the next four years I began leading multiple groups with a diverse set of needs as a way of formulating and testing what I think creates the basis of healing and my own unique version of it.

  • The core of the work is love. Love for the people affected, love for the caregivers and healthcare workers, and even love for the disease or circumstance. Love is the only power that heals.
  • The universe wants us to be specific about what we most need. We must ask for exactly what we want to have happen, then imagine it happening. 
  • The language of the universe is energy. Everything in the universe is made up of energy, which vibrates at different frequencies. The energy that we each emit vibrates at a certain frequency. Our thoughts and feelings are energy that vibrate at a certain frequency. When we focus our thoughts on something, we emit a signal with a specific frequency. We can change the frequency and increase the vibration by changing or focusing our thoughts.
  • A group of two or more people sharing the same thought at the same time gives the thought more power, more energy. Focusing our thoughts and raising the vibration of our thoughts literally creates a laser that we can use as a tool for healing or change.
  • There is plenty of time to be negative or angry or resistant to what is happening. For the time we practice intuitive healing, however, holding only positive, light-filled, high-vibration thoughts is required.
  • When something is elevated beyond the norm, we call it art. The definition of art is “the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination.” Therefore, to achieve the art of healing, all we have to do is imagine it.

In my practice, I’ve worked with human clients as well as canine and feline. Together, we’ve transformed surgical outcomes, risky births, long term illnesses, death transitions, career goals, environment changes, and even a prison sentence. While working with me individually is powerful, I find that inviting a community of friends and family members into a healing circle not only optimizes outcomes but also helps us feel more supported and less alone. I can tell you from the experience of having a group for my dog Grace, real healing is not a solo act. And, if you're like me, asking for help is a required component of learning how to receive.

I invite you to join me in exploring how medicine and spirit work together to create healing, and how focused imagination creates new life opportunities. Together we can consciously connect to Source energy and open new doors for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual transformation.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. –Albert Einstein

To understand more about the process, the groups and the possibilities, read some of the stories and testimonials.

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